Sunday, February 28, 2010

isolationism, and FDR(1935-41)

1. What were the goals of the isolationists? Why is "isolationism" a misleading term?
The goals of the isolationist- were to not be drawn into the war and fighting in it. They wanted to be connected with the world but with things like trade.
Isolation- is a misleading term because when you think of isolation you think of being cut off from the world and everything, but in this case, they didn't want it to be fully isolated from the world, but to stay out of war

2. What did some isolationists feel that there was no need for Americans to feel threatened by developments in Europe and Asia?
some isolationist felt that where was no need for Americans to feel threatened by developments in Europe and Asia because America was separated from them by the Pacific and Atlantic oceans.

3. What were the purposes of the Nye Committee hearings?
The purposes of the Nye Committee hearings was to find out why the United States fought in WWI

4. List two impressions that the Nye Committee hearings created.
-a impression that made Americans believe that big business would drag them into a another war
-a impression that American soldiers died in WWI because coronations looking to turn a profit convinces president Wilson to go into war in 1917

5. What were the purposes of the Neutrality Acts?
the purposes of the neutrality acts were to prevent countries who were fighting in the war to be supplied with weapons by big business's

6. List two reasons that some Americans considered Roosevelt's leadership radical and dangerous.
he changed the gov with the new deal
and he tried to pack the supreme court

7. What was "Cash and Carry"?
the cash and carry allowed other countries to buy supplies from the united state only if they payed in cash and could transport it themselves

8. Why did President Roosevelt freeze Japanese assets in the United States?
President Roosevelt froze Japanese assets in the united states because japan was invading the colonies in the European countries

9. What was the purpose of the America First Committee?
the porpoise of the America first committee was to prevent the unites states from going to war with japan and Germany

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

World Events Set Stage for Isolationism

1. What was the Japanese reaction to the Treaty of Versailles? (pgs. 4 - 5)
The Japanese reaction to the Treaty of Versailles was that they wanted to support the international system as means of obtain the natural resources and markets its growing economy needed. many feared that the League of nations would make japan a second power and the Japanese weer discriminated against.

2. Read the pull-out box on page 4 entitled, "Japan Becomes a Great Power." Cite specific evidence Japan was becoming a strong power that rivaled European & American interests. And, why specifically was Japan threatened by U.S. actions?
Japan was becoming a great power because their economy was growing rapidly, the military was growing rapidly too. Japan made a navy like Britain's, banks like the us and a army like Prussia's. Jap also beat Russia in the Russo-Japanese war and got parts of Manchuria while also annexing Korea.

3. Why was the Washington Naval Conference convened and what was accomplished? (pg. 6) (Note: Japan signs the agreement.)
The conference was convened because the united states believed that japans growth as a naval power in the pacific threatened the u.s interests. As a result, parties agreed to limit the size of naval ships, put a halt on building new battleships, outlaw the use of poisonous gas, and limit the use of submarines in the war.

4. The Senate's willingness to ratify the Kellogg-Briand Pact relected two strong and widely held sentiments. What were they? (pgs. 6 - 7)
the two sentiments were that Americans remember the carnage of WWI and wanted strongly to avoid being dragged into another European war. The other sentiment was that policy markers continued to resist the obligations of permanent alliances and wished to preserve the ability to act when and where they wanted to.

5. Why did Hitler enjoy popular support in Germany for most of the 1930s? Give three reasons. (pgs. 9 - 10)
1. He improved the economics situations
2. He reduced unemployment
3. He restored national pride for Germans still humiliated by defeat in WWI and how poor they were

6. Japan voiced its intentions to invade China for what two reasons? (pg. 10)
1. to obtain raw materials
2.increase japans power

7. Compare the Reichstag fire and the explosion on the Japanese railway in Manchuria. What did they accompllish?
The Reichstag fire was in the parliamentary building in Germans. Hitler blamed the fire on the communists who hitler said were planning to overthrow the gov and incite a civil war. The explosion on the Japanese railway in Manchuria was blamed upon the Chinese by the Japanese so the Japanese could invade. Both of the fires are alike because historians believe the fires were set on purpose. both these fires accomplished a blame on the communists and a excuse to invade.

8. Why was the united States unable to oppose Japan in the early 1930s with a significant military force? (pgs. 11 - 12)
The united states was unable to oppose Japan in the early 1930s with a significant military force because the u.s drastically reduced the size of the military from WWI and couldn't stand up to japan.

9. Describe the major similarities and differences among liberal democracy, fascism, and socialism. (pg. 8)
liberal democracy: think as both fascism and socialism
Fascism: no say over people
Socialism: people should ruse and for the ordinary people,

Sunday, February 7, 2010

New Deal Essy Outline

The United States government was somewhat successful when trying to solve the problems caused by the Great Depression. United States government tried to solve the problems caused by the Great Depression by closing banks, Agricultural adjustment administration(AAA) and social security act.

Closing banks-
-helped banks gain money back
-nobody could with drawl or deposit if there wasnt 5000 in the bank
-made people realize that them not spending money helped them and the banks

-raised crop prices by lowering production
-got farmers jobs
-helped get money because government was paying the farmers

social security act-
-helped make retirement comfortable
-gave pension to the disabled
-money was from 1/2 workers and 1/2 employer

COUNTER-ARGUMENT(why the new deal was opposed)
-attempt to pack the supreme court
-1937 recession
-FDR starting to act like a dictator

United States government was somewhat sucessful to the to trying to solve the great deprssion problem. They tried many things and even though some didnt turn out the way they wanted them too the united state gov tried plenty of things to try and stop the great depression.
-talk about AAA
-social security
-closing banks.
^how i agree/disagree.