Thursday, December 10, 2009

WWI-The war at home

What were some things accomplished by the following wartime agencies and laws?

1. War Industries Board-The board encouraged companies to use mass production techniques and urged them to eleminate waste.
2. Railroad Administration- Northerners manufactures sent recruiting agents to distribute free railroad passes through the south.
3. Fuel Administration-Man work places shut down, telephone serive was cut in half, and factories and offices staggered workiong hours to avoid contagion.
4. National War Labor Board-Helped improve labor conditions, it pushed for 8 hour work days, saftey inspections, and enforced child labor ban. "Work of Fight" is what the board would tell the workers.
5. Food Administration-America was doing there best to eliminate food for two days of the week for everyone(even in resturants) which helped the allies get more food.
6. Committee on Public Information-Influenced peoples thoughts and actions. Shown by pictures, cartoons, posters, sculptures.
7. Espionage and Sedition Acts-a person could be fined up to 10,000 dollars and sentenced to 20 years in jail for interfeering with the war effort or for saying anything disloyal, profane, or abusive about the government or the war effort.

Briefly explain why Bernard M. Baruch and George Creel are significant historical figures.
Bernard M. Baruch created MIB and was a buissness man when George Creel created picture and more to promote the war by propoganda.

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